Saturday, June 20, 2009

Missin' Linx

I don't know a whole lot about Missin' Linx outside of the fact that they're dope. I purchased the second installment of Hip Hop Forever (mixed by Jazzy Jeff -- it's a classic; get it if you haven't already) and there was a track called M.I.A. on it that stood out to me somewhat. Anyway, it turns out that Missin' Linx consisted of Al Tariq, Black Attack, and Problemz. I'd only heard a few underground 12" singles from Black & Problemz, so I wasn't really that familiar, but I already had God Connections, so I copped this on the strength of how dope that album is. The end result is a short (6 tracks, just over 23 minutes) and so-so release comprised of typical Y2K production from the likes of Necro, Alchemist, Adam 12, DJ Emz, and V.I.C. along with some dope lyrics. Though you'll rarely (if ever) hear from these guys again, I'd have to say it's not worth the king's ransom that I see it going for online. It's definitely worth coppin' if you can find it for a nice price, though.

Exhibit A [Stimulated Records 2000]

1. What It Is
2. Ain't Nothin'
3. Hotness feat. JuJu of The Beatnuts
4. Family Ties feat. Freddie Foxxx
5. That's That
6. M.I.A.

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