Hmm, where do I begin with Lakim Shabazz. He used to be a part of the powerhouse crew known as the Flavor Unit (the inital crew, not it's incredibly lame reincarnation). I can't front, when I heard him for the first time, I wasn't feelin' him at all. Keep in mind that he was speaking upon things I simply had no idea about at the time (like 5% ideology). I didn't come to appreaciate him until sometime around '95 after I picked up a book or two. Anyway, his two albums are dope. Time hasn't been all that kind to DJ Mark The 45 King's production over the years. Though they're somewhat dated, both albums are definitely worth checking out if for no other reason than to find out what all the fuss -- and high prices -- are all about.
Pure Righteousness {1988, Tuff City Records}
1. Pure Righteousness
2. Black Is Back
3. All True And Living
4. Adding On
5. First In Existence
6. Sample The Dope Noise
7. Posse Is Large [Mix]
8. Don't Try Us
9. Getting Fierce

The Lost Tribe Of Shabazz {1990, Tuff City Records}
1. The Lost Tribe Of Shabazz
2. Need Some Lovin'
3. The Voice Of Power
4. When You See A Devil Smash Him
5. Black And Proud
6. Black Is Back [Remix]
7. No Justice No Peace
8. Notes Of Def
9. Style Wars
10. Ladies
11. Brothers In Action
12. Adding On Rap
I'm with you on this one!